Author: admin

What is Customs Compliance?

What is Customs Compliance? Customs compliance are a set of standards outlined by the President of the United States, U.S. Congress, U.S. Customs Boarder Protection and other Government Agencies to protect the revenue of the United States and public safety. These standards protect the interest for those who conduct international trade, within the Trade Community […]

What is a Customs bond?when do I need one and why?

Customs Bonds are legal instruments to protect the revenue of the United States which both parties, the surety and the principal must agree upon the terms of a bond. Even though all customs bonds have different guidelines and agreements (see chart below) which the surety and Principal must follow to protect the Importers merchandise and […]

What purpose does a Power of Attorney (POA) serve?

There are 2 types of POA when conducting business with U.S. Customs. An employee who works for a U.S. Customs broker who is acting solely for his employer to conduct customs business on their behalf. Customs Broker to act on the behalf of the Importer to conduct customs business. To conduct customs business, a U.S. […]

Why do I need to file a CBP form 5106

CBP form 5106 is a basic form to establish your identity to conduct business of importing at any port of entry in the United States and its territories. Each person, business firm, government agency or other organization that intends to file an import entry must file a 5106. This form has multiple purposes, one is […]

What do I need to import?

To import any type of goods into the United States, the practice of due diligence is the acceptable practice on your part as the importer. Meaning that all imports do not apply the same way for all goods are imported, whether you are importing live stock, perishables, wine, apparel to woods because each type of […]